Buenos Aires,
24 de mayo de 2005
"Flute Music of the XVIII Century" por Frans Vester
Título: Flute Music of the 18th. Century. Autor: Frans Vester. Idioma: Inglés. Publicado por: Musica Rara, 1985. 573 págs. ISBN: 2-9500646-0-4. Ver el contenido.
Por Martín Auza, Buenos AiresTítulo: Flute Music of the 18th. Century
Autor: Frans Vester
Idioma: Inglés
Publicado por: Musica Rara, 1985
573 págs.
ISBN: 2-9500646-0-4
Base de datos de títulos para la flauta barroca con indicación detallada de ediciones y manuscritos, fuentes, localizaciones en las bibliotecas, plantillas instrumentales, etc. Su sistema de índices permite encontrar rápidamente las obras de cada compositor o para cualquier formación. Su autor, flautista holandés pionero de las flautas históricas, dedicó toda su vida a terminar esta magna obra. Es el insustituible mapa del tesoro para el que busca las infinitas joyas del repertorio.
Introduction to Part I
Introduction to Part II
a. Reference Listings
b. Libraries
c. Instruments
d. Publishers
e. Other abbreviations
PART I Index of works
(composers in alphabetical order)
PART II Index of instrumental combinations
(works grouped systematically according to instrumentation)
Group I one instrument
II two instruments
III three instruments
IV four instruments
V five instruments
VI six instruments
VII seven instruments
VIII eight instruments
IX nine instruments
X ten instruments
XI more than ten instruments
XII a. one instrument with string accompaniment
b. one instrument with orchestral accompaniment
XIII a. two instruments with string accompaniment
b. two instruments with orchestral accompaniment
XIV a. three instruments with string accompaniment
b. three instruments with orchestral accompaniment
XV a. four instruments with string accompaniment
b. four instruments with orchestral accompaniment
XVI a. five instruments with string accompaniment
b. five instruments with orchestral accompaniment
XVII a. six instruments with string accompaniment
b. six instruments with orchestral accompaniment
XVIII a. seven instruments with string accompaniment
b. seven instruments with orchestral accompaniment